我家的小寶貝曾經獲贈一套很棒的遊戲書 是德國一家增加小朋友邏輯與智慧的童書 在看似簡單的遊戲中 卻可以增加腦部的活動與智能 認真而一板一眼的德國人創作出的出版品 自然是有一分證據說一分話 我發現可以買到囉 印刷很棒唷而且賣家很專業 有問題都可以幫妳詳細的解答唷 台灣的賣家 由此進去看 為了推這套好書,引用本文者 可以參加最近的踩踩樂活動呢 活動內容請參考 【踩踩樂】 這套書自學齡前的幼兒到就學的小朋友都有 特別的是,許多爸爸媽媽在自我挑戰後還會覺得有困難度呢 bambinoLUK是三到五歲 mini luk是給四到九歲 小朋友的最棒的腦力進步的方式呢 關心小朋友的爸媽去看看,因為小朋友的腦力發展只有一次 一定要好好把握 原文的網站還不錯玩呢 有一些直接在線上可以做的體驗遊戲 想要妳家的小寶貝在簡易的遊戲互動中 越來越聰明嗎? 大家可以去看看原文的網站 由此進 miniLUK Advance Brain Olympics Collection Set for age 6 to 8 |
This Brain Olympics Collection Set provides advanced exercises in visual perception ability, general learning and higher thinking skills, and spatial relationship. There are over 1000 advanced brain-challenging exercises in these 8 workbooks. The same miniLUK Controller is used in a more advanced operating model involving higher level of eye-hand coordination. |
Visual Perception 1 & 2
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These two workbooks provide effective exercises to improve and to strengthen the core elements in visual perception. Visual perception is one of the most basic and important skills required in order to learn to read, write, and do math. Often children with higher visual perception abilities have fewer problems in learning these subjects and being successful in school. Discriminating between colors, shapes, and sizes, comparing and contrasting, recognizing groups and patterns, associating objects based on logical relationships between them, differentiating left and right directions, and learning spatial skills are all covered in these two workbooks. Visual perception and general learning skills are positively enhanced by completing these exercises. | |
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Brain Olympics 1, 2, 3 & 4
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These four workbooks are specially designed to develop important brain functions and facilitate children's overall learning abilities and higher thinking skills. Effective learning involves many different skills and abilities. Memory, concentration, visual perception, reasoning, and logical thinking are all critical to establish a solid foundation for effective learning. The activities in these workbooks have been carefully designed so that the skills learned progress at a rate of increasing difficulty. Through the constant repetition of practicing, the brain is relieved from the basic information processing and leaves rooms for more complex tasks. Exercises presented in these workbooks are well structured from basic to more advanced and challenging, and cover all the important skills in which to build the foundation for effective learning and higher thinking abilities for young children. | |
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Geometry 1 & 2
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Geometry is one of the major branches of mathematics which studies shapes, angles, lines, and spatial relationships. These two workbooks introduce all the essential elements of geometry via colorful illustrations and easily understood graphics in order to deliver the most effective learning results in geometry. Lines, planes, 3D figures, measurement, combination of shapes, area, surface, pattern, symmetry, and spatial relationships are all covered in these exercises. The comprehensive contents enhance spatial thinking ability, strengthen reasoning and logical thinking, and improve visual perception for children at the elementary level. | |
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